Nursing & Care Homes

A bespoke service for your Care Home

If you are a Care Home owner or manager, we would invite you to choose Linthorpe Pharmacy as your nominated pharmacy to provide a bespoke service for your care home residents.

We know the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your services and residents cannot be underestimated. Whilst changing pharmacy providers at this time may not be your main priority, we believe that a bespoke pharmacy service is perhaps more important than ever before.

What we can do:

Prompt delivery of monthly repeat medications with no delays. We’ll ensure repeat medications for all residents are aligned to a single cycle if that is what the home requires.

We have developed a robust system within the pharmacy, ensuring that all care homes medicines are planned well in advance of the due date, to ensure no patient runs out of essential medicines unnecessarily.

We deliver free of charge and are able to deliver up to 7pm weekdays and on Saturday mornings. For local care homes, we are able to deliver prescriptions the same day if GPs prescribe acute medication or make medication changes in the afternoon.

We will provide a dedicated telephone line just for care homes. You will be able to speak directly with the Superintendent Pharmacist and his team at any time during the day.

We will provide practical support such as new medication trolleys and a medicine fridge to safely store key medicines such as insulin at the correct temperature.

We will support you during a CQC visit and be at hand to answer any questions from the inspection team, providing audit and other evidence, if needed.

From initial planning meetings, through to regular review meetings, we will work with you to understand your specific needs and how best we can help you.

We will work with you and the relevant practices to arrange the seamless migration of patients over to Linthorpe Pharmacy with zero-hassle and no risk to medication being overlooked or missed.

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Care Homes and Nursing Homes

Why is a bespoke pharmacy service needed?


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